Here is 10 unique ways authors are using AI.

Creativity has never been a question for us authors. The fact that we showcase stories to the rest of the world with a unique, creative perspective makes us truly unique. In a way, the world would never be the same without us.

Storytelling is an elemental part of human nature. From the dawn of time, humans have used stories to understand the world. We’ve passed down legends, shared fables, and explored philosophies through the art of storytelling.

This instinctual desire to share experiences and ideas transcends cultures, languages, and time. Fundamentally, we are creatures woven with the art of storytelling, where the power of narrative resides within our very essence.

No matter how much technology evolves or trends shift, the art of storytelling will never be obsolete. It’ll adapt, innovate, and transform but won’t disappear. Despite technological advancements, the tenets of storytelling – human connection, empathy, and understanding- remain constant.

The mediums may change, but the need to tell and listen to stories is a fundamental part of our humanity that will stand the test of time.

Despite the timeless truth about the art of storytelling, a certain stereotype has crept into the conversation with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI is perceived as a threat, an adversarial force that could potentially overshadow the value of authors in literature.

This perspective, however, overlooks the real potential of AI – not as a contender but as a tool to empower writers further.

AI is an indisputably invaluable asset in an author’s toolkit, as it possesses the capability to analyze massive volumes of data.

Its ability to do so makes it an indispensable tool for improving one’s word choice, refining a manuscript’s structure, improving readability, and adding eloquence to a standard written work.

AI’s strength lies in its capacity to process data at superhuman speeds, which, in turn, may be leveraged to explore new avenues, i.e., generate novel plot ideas. Instead of replacing the author, AI will open the door for unexplored creative paths and offer fresh insights.

Authors must challenge the stereotype of AI as a threat to them.

They must shift the perspective to view it as a revolutionary tool that could assist in broadening our creative horizons.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans.

The term can be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind, such as learning and problem-solving.

There are various forms and levels of AI, ranging from machines designed to carry out simple tasks to systems that can potentially outperform human capabilities. Some of the main components and areas of AI include:

  1. Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. This is achieved through algorithms that can recognize patterns and make decisions based on data.
  2. Deep Learning: A subset of ML that uses neural networks with many layers (hence “deep”) to analyze various factors of data. Common applications include image and voice recognition.
  3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): The capability of a machine to understand, interpret, and produce human language in a way that is valuable. Examples include chatbots and translation services.
  4. Robotics: A field of engineering focused on the design and production of robots, which are often used to perform tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or otherwise undesirable for humans.
  5. Computer Vision: Enables machines to recognize and interpret visual information from the world, such as identifying objects, faces, or even the content of written documents.
  6. Expert Systems: Computer systems that emulate the decision-making abilities of a human expert in particular fields, often by using if-then rules and a knowledge base.
  7. Neural Networks: Algorithms designed to recognize patterns. They interpret sensory data through a kind of machine perception, labeling, or clustering of raw input.

AI can be categorized based on capabilities:

  1. Narrow or Weak AI: Systems designed and trained for a particular task. Examples include voice assistants and image recognition systems.
  2. General or Strong AI: A hypothetical machine with the ability to apply intelligence to any problem, rather than just one specific problem, ideally in a way that’s indistinguishable from human intelligence.
  3. Superintelligent AI: This refers to a future, not-yet-existing form of AI that surpasses human intelligence in nearly all areas, including creativity, general wisdom, and social intelligence.

Unique Ways Authors Are Using AI

The development and applications of AI have raised various ethical, societal, and technological concerns, including issues related to privacy, job displacement, decision-making transparency, and potential misuse.

As a result, there’s an ongoing dialogue among professionals, ethicists, and legislators about how to guide and regulate the evolution and implementation of AI technologies.

With that said, let’s look at ten unique ways authors are using AI in their craft:

1 – Story Development

You probably have never thought of encountering a function called “automated storyline development,” nor did you ever think it would be possible. Well, AI is helping authors develop their storylines so that the outcomes of plots and character arcs become more realistic.

AI gives authors detailed suggestions for storyline development by using complex algorithms to analyze plot structures and character arcs.

To do this, AI will scour through thousands of data from stories in different genres, identifying patterns and common elements. Applying these learnings allows it to suggest prospective plot twists and other techniques.

In a way, it’s like having a personal story consultant who understands the intricate patterns of successful storytelling.

2 – Voice-Driven Narratives

Meanwhile, authors use AI for voice-driven narrative purposes, wherein they get the chance to afford a completely different experience to readers as they explore stories and feel like they’re in control of how the story unfolds.

It’s made possible by automating the narrative structure, affording the readers the freedom to interact with it like when they’re in a conversation.

This AI function works to create an interactive journey. In this mode of storytelling, readers feel closer to the story because they use their voices to guide the trajectory.

With its advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, AI’s role is to interpret the spoken input and respond accordingly, making the entire story dynamic and interactive.

A voice-driven narrative is more than just a book being read out loud; it’s a conversation between the reader and the story. It’s something that’s never been done before.

3 – Character Development

Another unique way that authors use AI is in developing would-be characters in a novel or script. AI has the power to produce a plethora of character ideas by mining through an extensive pool of data from various literary works.

The goal here is to use the information to suggest the most sensible characters vis-a-vis the sense of the story.

As a tool, AI allows authors to create lifelike characters by suggesting realistic physical characteristics and personalities based on data. This could make characters more believable and relatable to readers.

Character development using AI influences certain book attributes, i.e., the type of protagonist and antagonist, archetypes, and character arcs.

4 – Transcription Services

Writing is incredibly time-consuming, especially when transcribing audio recordings into written text. AI transcribers are capable of eliminating tedium from the process, making transcription a lot easier and faster for authors.

AI-powered services are trained to be accurate in transcribing audio recordings. It can pick up background noise to accurately convert voice recordings into written transcripts with high accuracy rates. This is especially beneficial for writers who need to quickly convert audio files into written text without the hassle of manual transcription.

This AI-based transcription service also provides writers with accurate transcripts, which will eventually be used as reference material for writing projects.

5 – Automated Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are the two most painstaking tasks of writing a book, which is why authors are compelled to outsource them. And while it’s been that way in the realm of traditional publishing, it also means having to spend money on professional editing and proofreading services.

But with AI, the process of editing and proofreading can be automated. AI-enabled writing assistants are able to detect errors in grammar, style, spelling, punctuation, etc., making it convenient for authors to spot mistakes and quickly make amendments without having to pay for services from external sources. AI-powered editing tools provide detailed reports that help writers identify issues with their work and make necessary revisions.

6 – AI-Powered Writing Assistance

Much has been said about the writing assistance feature of AI, most notably ChatGPT. And while it’s a polarizing and sometimes controversial technology, it is still useful for authors who seek writing help.

Authors are innately skillful in writing, yet there’s always room for improvement.

AI can help writers become better content creators in this context by providing instant guidance, i.e., using appropriate words or phrasing and writing techniques.

Chatbots are an AI-driven technology that mimics human conversation, the purpose of which is to provide authors with real-time advice on their writing projects. It can even suggest suitable wordings for a dialogue in a novel or screenplay.

7 – Automated Storytelling Creation

Artificial intelligence has the incredible functionality of elevating stories from the ground up.

It’s possible because of the technology’s capacity to generate stories based on data and plots.

Authors may use this functionality to generate prospects when they’re out of ideas or to experiment with new narrative techniques. Of course, some bit of human interaction is required to guide AI in the right direction, but it won’t be nearly as laborious.

For example, AI can generate an entire story based on a single sentence.

Depending on the author’s input, it will create a draft from beginning to end by weighing and factoring in plot twists and character arcs.

8 – Generating Titles

Book titles provide irreplaceable value in publishing.

Sometimes, it makes or breaks the success of a book, so it’s critical for authors to have compelling titles. Taking advantage of NLP capabilities, AI can generate apt titles for authors.

AI-powered title generators are fed with information about the book and its contents to come up with the most fitting titles.

It works by understanding data from books of similar genres and finding correlations between stories and their titles. With this approach, AI comes up with titles that embody what a story is all about. Most importantly, the generated title should be consistent with the author’s brand or, even better, make a statement.

9 – Advanced Dialogue Search

Advanced dialogue search allows writers to explore vast libraries of dialogues related to specific characters, situations, or settings. Using advanced dialogue search, authors dive deep into extensive libraries of dialogue from a myriad of sources.

This feature is particularly useful when authors write about characters or unfamiliar situations. By analyzing dialogues from similar scenarios or characters, authors gain insight into how their characters will likely speak or react in situations.

AI-powered advanced dialogue search will also filter dialogues based on various criteria, including emotions, themes, or character types, providing a more tailored selection for authors.

Since AI learns from the feedback provided by the authors, it’s possible to refine future searches to align with the authors’ preferences and styles.

10 – World-Building

World-building is essential to storytelling, especially in fantasy, science fiction, and dystopian literature. In this process, writers craft every detail of the universe in which their story unfolds, including its history, geography, culture, politics, technology, and more.

AI assists authors in this intricate process by generating comprehensive and consistent world-building frameworks based on the authors’ initial input.

Algorithms are used to create detailed maps, design complex societal structures, and weave historical timelines that are logically consistent and immersive.

Likewise, AI is capable of suggesting various elements to improve the complexity and depth of the world, i.e., unique flora and fauna, distinct dialects or languages, and novel technologies or magic systems.

AI aids in maintaining the consistency of the world as the story evolves, seeing to it that the elements remain faithful to the established rules and norms of the constructed universe.

Negative Disruptions and Their Would-Be Impact

But like all products of technology, AI is a prospective disruption to the industry. Any technological advancement carries a certain degree of risk, and AI is no exception.

Copyright Law Issues – AI may introduce a new wave of complexity to copyright law. Generating AI content will eventually blur the lines of authorship, as it may not be entirely clear who owns the rights to the content: the creator of the AI, the operator of it, or the AI itself.

These challenges may lead to legal disputes, necessitating rethinking copyright laws to accommodate AI-generated content.

Copyright concerns surrounding AI-generated content are multifaceted. The traditional understanding of copyright law attributes ownership to the human agent who creates the work.

However, with AI generating the content, it becomes challenging to define ‘authorship.’

One argument is that the AI’s programmer could be considered the author, as they developed the code that ultimately generated the work.

On the other hand, the user who provided the input and parameters could also stake a claim, as their choices influenced the final output.

Using existing copyrighted work to train AI systems poses another legal conundrum. Fair use doctrine allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission, but does this cover the extensive copying necessary for machine learning?

Print Publishing – AI’s ability to generate content a hundred times faster than normal presents a potential threat to traditional publishing models, which rely on a lengthy writing, editing, and production process. Likewise, AI’s capacity to tailor content to the individual reader could disrupt the mass-market approach of print publishing.

AI in the realm of publishing may inevitably shift the power dynamics within the industry. The traditional powers within the publishing sector, including editing and publishing houses, literary agents, and even some authors, may find their influence threatened.

As AI possesses the capability to write, edit, and revise content expediently, the need for human involvement in these areas may diminish.

The traditional publishing process, which typically involves several rounds of editing and fine-tuning, could be expedited dramatically by AI.

In other words, it’s likely to undermine the roles of editors and proofreaders, who meticulously comb through manuscripts to ensure high-quality content. Meanwhile, literary agents, who often serve as gatekeepers between authors and publishers, might also see their roles diminished as AI could effectively match manuscripts with suitable publishers.

Book Quality – Content creation using AI comes with legitimate concerns about quality and authenticity. AI might lack the human touch, the nuanced understanding of language, culture, and context, and the creative spark that sets great writing apart. While AI proves to be an invaluable tool in the mechanical aspects of writing, it may struggle to capture the emotion, subtlety, and depth that characterizes high-quality writing. The risk is that, in an AI-dominated landscape, the richness, diversity, and complexity of human writing could be compromised.

Parting Thoughts On Ways Authors are Using AI.

With endless possibilities, AI is reshaping how stories are written and consumed. It could propel authors toward becoming more productive writers, faster editors, and more successful publishers.

Yet, with its meteoric rise comes a certain level of risk – legal conundrums, power shifting within the industry, and quality issues might arise.

All things considered, it’s imperative that every author tread carefully as they venture into an industry that’s quickly blurring the lines between the human and machine.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at