What are the top 10 best business books?
It’s hard to tell which business book to read when you have a gazillion options.
That’s why lists like this come in handy. To succeed in business, whether you’re a start-up or someone who’s had your fair share of failures, these books from UK-based authors offer you information, tips, and most importantly, enlightenment.
They’re not about making you rich overnight, nor are these books about magic.
Instead, they offer great reading to help you excel in your industry in ways that you’ve never thought of before.
1 – The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
It’s a travesty to start this list with any other book than Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations.” Not only is it one of the most read books in history, but it’s also credited with revolutionizing western society.
This economics book from one of the greatest Scottish minds is a classic, eventually influencing economists, political thinkers, and philosophers throughout history.
Unlike most of the titles in this list, The Wealth of Nations is written in prose, which means you must put in as much patience and time as possible.
2 – Shoemaker: The Untold Story of the British Family Firm that Became a Global Brand by Joe Foster
Shoemaker is a story about the growth of a family firm, its eventual downfall, and the tale of rising from the ashes.
This book aims to reveal what makes big firms well-liked by their customers and why they thrive in an increasingly competitive market. The book talks about products, business practices, and companies that have excelled commercially for decades, with Foster’s success in forming Reebok as the highlight.
3 – Brand Brilliance: Elevate Your Brand, Enchant Your Audience by Fiona Humberstone
Humberstone’s take on how good branding should be is the reason why this book is massively popular. Written by a brand expert, the book’s most prominent tip is making the most out of a limited resource in creating your brand.
This book examines the motivations behind the people who buy brands and how you can create a memorable brand that’ll make an impression on your potential customers. She talks about finding one’s niche, using visual styles, and factoring in typography in branding.
4 – Self Made: The Definitive Guide to Business Start-Up Success by Bianca Miller-Cole and Byron Cole
If you’re thinking of starting a business and want to get some ideas from other entrepreneurs, Bianca Miller-Cole’s “Self Made” is the book for you.
Written by an established entrepreneur and “The Apprentice” alumna, the book talks about ways Miller-Cole benefited from her education, experience in marketing, and how other businesses can apply case studies.
There’s also an extensive discussion on using networking and social media and tips on mastering the art of business presentation.
Interestingly, the book lacks the usual business jargon, making it easier to understand and feels refreshing.
5 – Anyone Can Do It: My Story by Duncan Bannatyne
Love him or hate him, Duncan Bannatyne’s book is a good state for anyone looking for inspiration to start their business. It’s another “self-made” theme that can help you create your own path to success.
The book discusses Bannatyne’s struggle in finding success in life and overcoming unexpected hurdles along the way. It also provides an account of how he stayed focused, though he didn’t even have a bank account until he was 30.
6 – When to Jump: If the Job You Have Isn’t the Life You Want by Mike Lewis
Mike Lewis’ book is unique because it delivers an anthology of short stories told by successful entrepreneurs. The book’s theme is people who decided to change careers and eventually succeeded in making the switch.
The author likes to call it a guidebook for anyone planning to test the waters of entrepreneurship. Also, it’s worth mentioning that Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg wrote the foreword.
8 – 100 Things Successful People Do: Little Exercises for Successful Living by Nigel Cumberland
For anyone who wants to improve their life, this one’s an incredible book written by a successful entrepreneur. It’s more of a “how-to” manual that’ll help you accomplish your dreams.
The author also considers that not everyone has the same dreams, and we can all learn from one another. Being successful doesn’t equate to being wealthy, and Cumberland’s book gives practical advice that successful people have used under all circumstances.
You’re also treated to personal accounts from the author’s perspective, quotations, and tips. This unassuming paperback will transform your predispositions on how to achieve success.
9 – Like A Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School by Richard Branson
Not everyone is a fan of the eccentric billionaire Branson, but his book,” Like a Virgin,” is as influential as any British business title. It’s not as comprehensive and detailed as the other titles in this list, but it offers practical entrepreneurial wisdom.
The book offers business advice that’ll help every aspiring entrepreneur rise from obscurity.
10 – Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
Deep Work is one of the finest business books for entrepreneurs who aspire to be successful. It dissects the essential skills that’ll help you achieve success in your career, specifically the art of focusing on the things that matter the most.
Newport talks about developing and maintaining a “focused” state, which is essential in keeping distractions at bay.
Deep Work is considered by many as a hybrid of a business title and a psychology book since it explores the ways of improving a person’s productivity through focus.
Books offer an immeasurable collection of knowledge that helps entrepreneurs succeed. They help you develop skills and are a valuable motivation for those who need them.
So, spare some time each day to read any of these titles; you’ll never appreciate what reading does to you and your career in business until you begin to embrace it.

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.
He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at info@ghostwritersandco.com