A lot of writers are wondering if you can still make money writing short stories?

It was a long time ago when mainstream papers and magazines ceased publishing short stories.

Who could blame them?

There was a point when making a profit off bite-sized fiction was no longer feasible.

But then again, that’s not to say that readers are no longer interested in short stories.

Like all forms of literature, the demand for good short fiction still exists.

The only difference is that the market has shifted to a host of platforms that were once non-existent.

Should you be wondering if writers like you can still make money writing short stories, the answer is yes.

Whether you already have a flourishing fiction writer career or are just getting started, writing short stories still makes sense from the money-making perspective.

Here’s why:

There are more opportunities than ever before – With the rise of digital publishing, you now have a handful of places willing to pay for and showcase quality short fiction.

Yes, given that these platforms don’t offer the same money as traditional print publications, it’s still possible to make a good living off writing short stories because you’re moving into an ecosystem with a larger audience.

So, let’s dig in on what we believe are your best bets for making money writing short stories.

1 – Submit and get paid.

Medium is a platform that’s often recommended to writers as a way to get their work in front of new readers.

While you won’t make a killing off a single article, if you’re able to build up a consistent readership, you’ll start earning some extra cash each month.

Like all other websites dedicated to publishing readable content, there’s no guarantee your work will be accepted. But if you’re a good writer with a strong grasp of English, you increase your chances of getting published.

2 – Self-publish and earn royalties.

If you desire more control over how much money you make from writing short stories, then your best option is to self-publish.

While this requires a bit more effort to get your book in front of the right people, you’re eventually keeping a larger percentage of the royalties.

The thing about self-publishing is that you can do it on various platforms, from Amazon Kindle to Smashwords.

So, if you’re willing to put in the extra work, self-publishing is certainly a viable option for you to make money off short stories.

3 – Publish in magazines or anthologies.

You still can make money from writing short stories if you submit them to anthologies and magazines.

This works because you’ll need to query the publication before sending in your story.

If they like what you’ve written and decide to publish it, you’ll receive a sum of money as compensation.

The amount varies from magazine to magazine, but it’s still possible to make a couple of hundred dollars off a single story.

This one’s the road to take if you’re starting as a writer; the goal isn’t to make money but more on building your portfolio.

4 – Go for writing contests.

For those taking their fiction writing career seriously, another avenue worth exploring is that of writing contests.

And yes, they exist and are typically sponsored by magazines and online publications.

One thing that makes this option worthy of your time is the fact that there’s competition.

You need competition to push your creativity and hone your writing skills. In other words, the better your story is, the more likely you are to win.

Of course, this also means there’s no guarantee you’ll come out on top. But if you do manage to snag the winning prize, it could be a couple of hundred dollars or more. Not too shabby for a short story, right?

4 – Get paid for flash fiction.

Flash fiction is a short story that typically doesn’t exceed 1,000 words.

And because of its length, it’s often easier to write than a traditional short story.

As a result, you can submit your work to more places, which gives you a better chance of getting accepted and making some money.

There’s no shortage of online publications always looking for quality flash fiction.

Granted that the pay is measly compared to other options on this list, it’s still a viable way to make some extra cash.

As such, your effort and time won’t be wasted.

5 – Create a Patreon account.

Patreon is a platform where people get the chance to support the artists and creators they love.

In your case, it could be people who enjoy reading your short stories and are willing to pay you for your work.

Patreon makes sense for would-be fiction writers because the platform allows you to set up different tiers of support, each with its own set of rewards. For instance, you could offer early access to your stories for people who pledge a certain amount each month.

The beauty of this option is that it gives you the freedom to publish whatever you want, whenever you want.

Likewise, there’s no need to wait for someone else to give you the green light; you’re in complete control of your work.

Writing short stories will never go out of style; people are always drawn to quick and easy reads.

Money will be made if you have a knack for it and are willing to put in the effort. So, go ahead and give it a shot; what do you have to lose?

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at info@ghostwritersandco.com