In this post, I’m going to show you how we got an influencer 387,492 subscribers in just over 6 weeks to her LinkedIn newsletter.

We will go through some of the learned lessons and give you some actionable steps so you can increase your following and add subscribers to your own newsletter.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to grow your following and increase your brand presence.

As a ghostwriter, we see ourselves as part coaches, part cheerleaders and part executioners. We help hone, craft and intensify the messages with an effective content marketing strategy.

When we work with any type of Influencer, often the message is there, they just need help effectively communicating it.

Think of it as Lego pieces.

All the different building blocks are already in place. We just help construct the end product.

Because we are ghostwriters, the name of this Influencer will go unnamed but it’s important to note that she’s not anyone famous or have any advantage over the average person.

There is no magic formula or step-by-step process that will get you more than a quarter-million subscribers.

It’s a combination or hard work and old fashion marketing principles.

If you follow these tips, you can get similar results:

  • 5 million followers on LinkedIn
  • 387,492 newsletter subscribers

In this particular case, we created a newsletter that was in the top 15th most widely read LinkedIn newsletters in the world completely from scratch.

In terms of organic reach, her name appeared next to Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Gary Vee.

Why Start a LinkedIn Newsletter?

The LinkedIn Newsletter feature is a powerful tool for individuals who aspire to become thought leaders in their respective fields. By publishing a newsletter on a regular basis, you can establish your expertise and share your insights with a large, engaged audience.

This can help build your personal brand and increase your visibility among potential clients, partners, and influencers.

Furthermore, the newsletter format allows you to showcase your writing skills and communicate complex ideas in an easily digestible manner, which can help establish you as a credible and knowledgeable source of information.

With the ability to target specific groups and measure the performance of your newsletters, you can fine-tune your content strategy and reach the right people with your message.

Work The Plan on LinkedIn

You can’t have a field of dreams attitude: “Build it and they will come.”

You need to build up a following and to do that, you need to be consistent with daily posting.

You can’t just launch a newsletter and hope everyone and their dog will subscribe.

Start by posting and building up your following.

This takes some time so start today.

Consistency is probably the hardest tactic on this list because it can be so easy to skip a day, especially when your following is small.

Nobody will notice. Right?

Well, maybe not, but you can’t grow your following without posting and showing up for your community on a daily basis.

Help Your Community

As Dale Carnegie famously said: “To Interesting Be Interested.”

Unless you’re a famous actor or won big in the gene pool, this is the only way to become any kind of Influencer.

Most people make the mistake of believing that being an influencer means just posting your own thoughts or beliefs and never interacting.

(Because you never see Kim Kardashian comment on what you’re up to, am I right?)

But being an influencer is about caring deeply about those people around you and lifting them up.

Do not just post about yourself! Take the time on a daily basis to go through your feed and interact with other people in your network.

Always respond to messages and comments.

One of the key reasons our LinkedIn influencer was successful was because she didn’t just think or talk about herself.

She made it her mission to raise up other people in the community, talk about the good that they are doing, and mention them on her posts and in her newsletter.

She took the time to connect with people by commenting on their content and really helping others.

By doing this consistently, she was able to form a strong online tribe that helped each other.

Copywriting Is Still Powerful on LinkedIn

Most people believe that copywriting is an old school technique that doesn’t apply anymore.

But having spent most of my adult life, doing some sort of advertising and marketing, copywriting is still probably the most useful marketing skill to have.

I would suggest that even if you hate writing that you study some copywriting techniques.

The classic book “Breakthrough Advertising” by Eugene M. Schwartz is a good place to start.

It’s a book that I’ve read forwards, backwards and sideways and I suggest you do the same.

When you write a newsletter, a social media post, or a blog post, you need what’s called a hook.

This is a technique we used in our LinkedIn influencers posts and newsletter time and time again.

What is going to stop the scroll and catch people’s attention?

A great picture or video is going to be the first thing people see, but it’s the headline or your first sentence that is going to engage people.

We created a formula for the newsletter and for all her social media posts where we would always create a hook.

Often times the first sentence was a short question.

It could be something simple as ‘What’s the problem with selling on social media?”

Or Even “Want to know the secret to Boosting views on LinkedIn?”

Then we would go on to explain the answer to the question.

Remember, the point of a sentence is to engage the reader to read the next, and the next and so on.

Never Make Assumptions

Testing is a cornerstone of marketing but it’s even more important to test on social media where the algorithms are constantly changing.

The type of content that worked yesterday probably doesn’t work today.

With the LinkedIn influencer, we tested pretty much everything.

We experimented with video, with images, and of course, with different types of content.

The length of her content was something we continued to look at – whether short won over long, what types of stories people were interested in, and the content structure.

The bottom line is test everything and don’t stop just because something works.

It’s easy to sit back when something is working and continue to just create similar content.

We made that mistake and it resulted in a loss of engagement. Thankfully we got back to testing and seeing what worked which boosted the numbers again.

On LinkedIn Storytelling Is King

Storytelling is impactful because it not only humanizes your brand, but it is what people remember the most.

They won’t necessarily remember what you said, or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.

You can do this by telling insightful stories within your content.

The LinkedIn influencer we worked with was naturally a very powerful storyteller.

It was easy to work with her and she understood the importance of storytelling. We just helped her craft her message so it would resonate with her audience.

Always ask yourself what stories can you tell in your content?

What type of story will most likely connect with your audience?

The story should illustrate a point and strengthen your core message.

The story doesn’t always need to be a personal story – all those can help; it can be one you heard from a friend, a family member, or even one you found on the internet.

So long as it fits within your brand.

Last Thoughts

Creating a personal brand is more important than ever before and LinkedIn is one of the best places to do it.


Because 44 percent of LinkedIn users have an above-medium income so most likely your ideal customer is there.

And you’ll find almost any type of business there so it doesn’t matter what line of work you are in.

You need to stand out from your competition because they are leveraging the power of LinkedIn to get new clients and stay connected with their existing ones, and you need to do the same.

Follow these steps and you’ll be well ahead of 99% percent of other people trying to create personal brands and become influencers.

And if you would like help crafting your thought leadership content, then please get in contact with us today and we’ll be happy to help.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at