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And now your host, Joel Mark Harris.
Joel: Hello and welcome to the publishing for profit podcast. This is your host, Joel Mark Harris. Today we interview Iman Aghay, who is the founder of Success Road Academy, a company that helps you build your online course. So of course, we talk about how to take those first steps to building that online course, how to market it.
And, but we also talk about deeper issues about his near-death experience and how that changed his life and how it’s served a higher purpose and how he wants to. To reach a hundred million entrepreneurs and impact their lives. So it was a great conversation. Amman is a really easy person to interview.
So hopefully, you enjoyed this episode. Welcome to this show. Thanks for being here.
Iman: Oh, thank you very much for having me. I’m super excited to be with you.
Joel: We’ve been catching up before the show and it’s been awhile, so it’s great talking to you. I want to start with your Success Road Academy so what can you explain to my listeners a little bit about what that is and who do you guys serve?
Iman: The Success Road Academy is an education center for coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, people who have knowledge and a message that want to put that in the package, turns into an online course and then offer it to them. Potentially our clients. We help people to build their structure of their business technically online. Our main course is an online course creation course but then we have several other courses actually. Just the other day I looked at our system and we have over a hundred courses, for entrepreneurs. We don’t offer them all publicly and we only publicly offered three or four of them and then everything else is in the backend either as bonuses or as mastermind programs that are higher-end programs, that are awesome.
Joel: Can you tell me about how and why you decided to start it?
Iman: Actually, there were a combination of reasons of starting Success Road Academy, but, you know, it happened in several stages. Back in 2007, 2008, I was looking at people like Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Oprah, and I was thinking about how they are helping people to change their lives. To, make a difference, make a big difference in people’s lives and at the same time, having a successful business for themselves. And I had this dream and vision of, becoming an international professional public speaker who can help people to change their lives.
I know many of the people who are listening to this have the same feelings, right? Have this burning desire of their heart. They want to make an impact in the world. And, and at the same time have a successful business for themselves. And back then I was in Iran. I couldn’t speak English. Technically if we want to become an international speaker, you want to be in a place that you can, kind of easily travelled to anywhere you want. And you want to definitely speak English or another language.
Lots of people on percent. So anyway, My wife and I moved to North America in 2009, following that dream. And then when we landed, we realize that our money’s not going to follow us. And, I started looking for jobs and turn to get survival jobs.
But 2009 was right after 2008 recession. There were thousands of people out of work and no company was hiring. And that took us to a place that we were 17 days away from becoming homeless. And that day I decided to start my own business. And, because I had entrepreneurial skills, I said, you know what, I’m just going to build my own business.
And, funnily enough, to that point, I didn’t say I want to build my business because I always felt like, I don’t know the language. I don’t have a network, all of those things right there, but you know, there’s always a bottom rock bottom to your rock bottom. You know, and rock bottom from Iraq while I was like, I’m not going to come home.
Like, and that’s the time that like, having the fear of not knowing what to do was smaller than having the fear of becoming homeless, you know? And that was like, okay, you know what? I’m going to take the other chance. They’re going to take the chance on not knowing what I do. I’m going to do this one. See, I figured it out.
Interestingly enough, three days later, a family first customer, and for a web design. Business, but I didn’t know how to design a website. so I knew online marketing, but I didn’t know how to design websites.
A few months there where they, I was working 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, trying to find customers and then working from 10:00 PM, I would go back home at 10:00 PM and dinner.
And then, from 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM, 4:00 AM. I was just sitting the fare with U2 and other things, just learning about, like how to design websites. Right. And then on that, I built my business to six-figure company, then people started asking you, like on what happened and how did you do that? Then I started talking to people and started getting invited to stages and stuff like that.
Talk about all of the things like my journey as an entrepreneur. And, one morning I woke up and I was bleeding internally and I was rushed to the hospital where doctors realize I lost 60% of my blood. And literally in a matter of hours, I ended up on my death bed and, And as I was lying there and not knowing if I were going to like, get out of that bed or not, I realized my biggest fear was that I never lived through to my heart.
I was really, at that point, I was thinking tomorrow if I died today, tomorrow will come to my funeral and they’re going to say email was a nice guy and he was a web designer. And that was the biggest fear. I mean, like nothing wrong with being a web designer, but like I didn’t come to this world to die.
Nice guy. I came to this work to make a massive, big impact in people’s lives. And at that time I’d made no impact in anybody’s lives. And that fear, like I just realized that night I realized to that point I was alive, but I never left. And I said, if I ever sit on my death bed, I’ll never kind of settle down.
And until I make it as an international public speaker and kind of make a difference in people’s lives and that night, they said, I’m going to make a difference in the lives of a hundred million people. And, I survived my death breath and, when I came out, I was like, how can you make a difference in the lives of 100 million people before you die?
I said, I can do this. I know marketing guy, right? So the way I can do this is I can help 10,000 entrepreneurs to make a massive positive impact in the lives of 10,000 clients each. And if I can do that then I’ve made a difference in the lives of 100 million people. And that’s what began successful Academy that as like, well, this is where we’re going to do.
We’re going to help 10,000 entrepreneurs to make big, massive impact in the lives of 10,000 client each. And, that was a journey that was it. Like as we’re in 2011, 2012, I started successful the Academy and, it just. First, it was small and then by 2014, I was doing about 200 talks a year. And then I got tired of traveling because it was constantly on the airplanes and hotel rooms and everything y’all’s on. I got to hire them. Like there should be a better way. Right. And that’s when I went online and, Then kind of like the message expanded exponentially because we didn’t have any limitations of people accessing us.
So, right now at some of our events, we have people from 42 countries. The last event I did actually, we had people from 16 different time zones. On the same class. And I was like, wow, like this has grown. I mean, whereas the students like actually few months ago in one of my is so successful Academy is one of my companies probably, Joel, you, I don’t know if you know this or not, but, that kind of led me to, investing in other companies and like buying other things and or starting new things.
So, in one of my companies called JV, insider circle, we, Had an event, a three-day event where people who are attending from Australia, from the Philippines and these events are like nine hours. It starts at 8:00 AM. Pacific time go to 5:00 PM Pacific time, which starts kind of nights in Australia and goes to like 9:00 AM.
Right. And, like we had people from Australia going from midnight to 9:00 AM sitting in the class. I like networking with people. I connected with all like, Holy crap. That’s amazing. I mean, like. I know I’ve done that for my own business, but it’s just such an amazing thing to see how much people care, how much energy and effort they put into growing their businessnd making a massive difference in people’s lives.
Wow. That’s quite the story. And there’s so much to unpack there, but I think I’d like to start with fear because I mean, that is something I think that holds a lot of people back. A lot of entrepreneurs, me, you know, I, I constantly feel this fear about not getting enough clients or not having enough money or, you know, whatever it is.
Explain how you kind of got over that fear and maybe some tactics people can use to get over their own fear. So here’s the thing. This is actually very interesting. You brought that off because I want to actually put a different spin to that so many things that happen in our life is just feedback. Fear, anxiety, frustration, pain, all of these things are just technically feedback. Okay. And I have a class called the Confidence Mastery Bootcamp, and in confidence mastery. Here’s what we’re talking about. We’ll say what they do with feedback. What do you do with feedback? The first thing you do with feedback. And by the way, here’s an interesting thing. Joel, we also give ourselves feedback, you know, like sometimes something happens or we tell ourselves, you suck. You’re not good. Like, I wish you could do this better. Like maybe they were right. Like who, who do you think you are that you’re doing it? It’s like, I actually, we are our biggest critics like ourselves. Like we give ourselves shit to, I like, we were like, Hey, you know, like, but here’s the thing. All of these are feedback.
Joel: Okay.
Iman: I have a system that it’s easy to explain. It’s hard to implement. It takes a few, it takes a few months or years to master this. Okay. Here’s that system.
So the first step of reviewing every feedback. Is to take the emotions alphabet. Yes. You need to feel your emotions, but emotions in the feedback makes no impacting your life. Okay. So at first I say, just remove the emotion out of it. You’re like, okay. I’m afraid. Okay, sure. That’s an emotion, but you’re afraid of what I’m afraid of.
Not having enough much. Okay, perfect.
Joel: So let’s okay. Motion album. What’s the challenge not having enough money.
Iman: Okay. So when you remove the emotion, remove the emotion out of it suddenly you can see the problem clearly. Okay. So first the step take the emotion out of it. Now, the second thing is turning the feedback into constructive criticism.
How do you turn feedback into constructive criticism? Was asking yourself, what are my action steps to fix this? Okay.
Joel: So I’m afraid I don’t have enough money at the end of the month.
Iman: I don’t know I’m going to become homeless. Okay.
Joel: Take your emotions out of it. I’m afraid because of that, doesn’t matter. Why?
Iman: Why are you afraid you don’t have enough money? So that’s the problem. That’s the root of the problem. You don’t have the money. Okay. But that’s not really the root that you can solve by what are your action steps of not having enough money to solve it? Well, I need to get in front of the prospects.
Iman: Okay. How can we get in front of prospects? I need to go to this networking event. Perfect.
Joel: That’s what you need to do. I’m afraid that doesn’t help you with anything.
Iman: But then when you put that into action and such, so I got to get them for other prospects, getting on a one-on-one call with them and offer them my services. So now you have your action steps. Now, how do you fix big problems?
Joel: I don’t have money. I’m going to be homeless by the end of the month.
Iman: How do you fix big problems? You fix the problems with massive radical action. Okay. So maybe to get in for other prospects, how can you get in front of a hundred prospects in the next seven days?
That’s what hundred prospects in the next seven days? Yeah. How can you, I can’t know the question wasn’t you can, or you can’t the question is how can you, cause the moment that you see you can’t, it doesn’t happen. If you asked for some, how can I, I haven’t asked her, this is how I can get in front of 60 prospects in the next seven days.
Joel: That’s a, still a massive radical action. Even if it’s not 160. That’s a still massive radical action.
Iman: Perfect. So let’s get on it. Let’s just start getting in front of those prospects. Let’s get them. Right. So that’s a way that you, that you deal with the fear and not just fear, any type of feedback, any type of feedback.
Right. So like, Hey, you know, I suck. Sure. Well, let’s get the emotion out of it. Why
Iman: do you feel you suck? Well, because I wasn’t able to do this. Okay, well removed emotional to it because you suck doesn’t help or that you weren’t able to do this.
How can you fix that? What are your action steps? WellI got to learn this, this, this, I got to practice this.
Okay. How do you solve it with massive radical action? How can I do this so many times back to back this is a way perfect. Then you move on. Right?
So, and here’s the thing though. Entrepreneurship is hard. Okay, entrepreneurs, should we stop it? One thing that as an entrepreneur, you learn over the years is how to become a Teflon.
What does that mean? That means that how life throws stuff at you and how you can become nonstick. So things hit you, they fall, they don’t stick there. Right? So you, you, you become a Teflon after somehow, you know some stuff getting to you still like some stuff, getting to you. You’ll have them for like four days, five days, three days.
Right. But then you have to have a model. You have to have a system to get out of it. And I’m like, okay, I wallowed enough. This actually hit me hard, but let’s take the emotion out of it. What are my actions? That’s what’s my radical massive action against it. And that’s it. That’s what you do.
Joel: That’s some really great advice and I can really see myself in that because I’m constantly like all Joel, you suck at this or you’re not doing good enough at this. So I’m going to definitely practice that for sure.
Iman: So for entrepreneurs who have been hit really hard with COVID and, and the. I feel like the massive impact of COVID, what can they do to either market themselves or to pivot, to help them get through these tough times?
Iman: Yeah, absolutely. I understand. And you know, what’s both good and bad. Not in terms of the disease, the disease is awful, no shape or form. like just the impact that maintenance on people’s lives on health and, you know, the number of people that did killed and contributed to the death, whether it be directly from COVID or from complications of COVID or number of people who ended up committing suicide.
As a result of COVID or, you know, people who overdose as the result of the social distance thing and all the things that was happening. I mean, like COVID in terms of our health, in terms of our society was, was an awful thing happen. But at the same time, it created for people that they did not have before.
You know, 80% of people hated their job and still, I don’t know what percentage would be buying their jobs today, but before COVID 80% of people hate their job and yet they never pulled the trigger to get it out of that job.
Joel: Wow.
Iman: Financially dependent on the money we call this the Golden Apple. COVID hits lots of people got laid off. Lots of people lost income, lost their money. Right now, many of you are at this point themselves in a place that well going to bank, going back to the work that they hated, wasn’t an option and making that money. Wasn’t an option in a way the golden handcuffs were taken off.
There were golden hats off. So like everybody loves them because they were golden. But it was taken away from people. All right. And here’s the thing, although as painful as is as hard as it is, but that also gives people an opportunity there at any, any negative has a positive side. How they always say even a broken watch is right on twice a day.
I mean any bad thing, cause it’s not some positive stuff. And one of those things would call it was that it gave me the opportunity to step back and say, what is it that I want to do with my life? What is it I want to do with my life.
And here’s the thing. If you are watching this and you didn’t do that, you are hit hard by COVID, but just start back and say, now you’ve been given a clean slate, painful, awful thing that’s happened, but the still. You’re being given this slate and you can do two things. You can wallow, you can sit there and you’re like, I didn’t want this to be when I had my job, I was happy, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, to be honest with you as often, did you really love that job when you were waking up at 6:00 AM? 7:00 AM like going through the awards, like commute, like, did you really love the job? Okay. And some people did some really love their job you know, they want to continue doing what they were doing before. Fantastic. But many people, I got to step back and say, what is it that Joe, here’s an interesting thing.
Most people never had the time to step back to think about what it is that they actually want to do. Yep. I went from one job to the other job, the other job, just for the climate center seminar. I started my web design company. I needed money. I need the money now. I was like, what is on people? Pay for it, are going to get it.
And I’m like, I never wanted to be a web designer at the time they saw my web design company, but that was what paid the bill. Good corporate, when you will want back home. And they’re like, we’ll do we can’t do anything. So here’s the thing first is that figure out what it is that you love to do. What was that you want to do?
Not what pays the bill, but what it is that you actually want to do after people are out your actions, that’s to be able to rebuild your life toward them. That’s the number one thing. Figure out the actions to visualize life toward the life of your dream, toward the dream or which one I never ever set up for us. Everything you want to do, probably to take several baby steps, to get there, figure out your baby steps and figure out how you can generate income. And at every step that you’re generating income, that income is ever going towards skills that can be used as babies thirst for your dream. For example, one of the things with my web design company, it helped me, well, some success stories it’s helped me to give me opportunity to speak with people as our marketing consultant.
So I was not just the web is on your own. He said, I’ll help you with your online marketing, through your website. And that gave me success stories and case studies that all added up later on. No, I became a public speaker. I was like, look at this person I worked with looking at that person. Nobody originally would hire me as a marketing coach, but because of the web design and because of that success stories, I created those baby steps and the baby steps at the top to give me the tools I needed to be able to move to the next role.
Joel: Any advice on how to market through COVID?
Iman: Your life should continue. COVID is just part of life. And if you think what wins is going to disappear, it’s not okay. I’ve been telling this for many years, that like when a problem hits people think the is going to go away, the problem doesn’t go away. We just learn ways around it.
We just learn ways around it. COVID is something it’s the same thing, right? You think, for example, if the vaccines come out, COVID is going to go away? Some people are going to get vaccinated. Some people are not going to get vaccinated. People are going to get back to make that are going to blame.
They get vaccinated or like why they think the other ones will blame the other one. Call it is COVID at end, even if it disappears something else comes up. Here’s monthly. Are you living for your own dream, Rick? Yes. Like if political situations, should you get impacted by
COVID happens. Should you continue your dream? Or should it get impacted by it? Yeah. There are throwbacks, there are steps or things that you’re all hanging on staring back. Right. But at the end of the day, at the end of the day, you need to have your own dream internal, your own babies. And if you have a setback because of COVID know that things change.
Thanks, Joel. I always say one thing I say, when you are an entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter if you’re an entrepreneur or not entrepreneurs feel better because like they deal with other types of challenges that usually other as all I say, sometimes my students ask me like, Hey mom, when will our problems go away?
Joel: I know all the problems. I’m like, well, never here as well. That would be nice.
Iman: Well, here’s why you always have the same number of problems, the same number of problems, but you learn how to solve. The smaller problems and they open the way for you to be your problems.
There’s what do you mean? I like, so you think right now you have a lot of problems, right? You’re like, yes. And I’m like, so you have $4,000 a month expenses and you don’t know how to make your $4,000 a month. Not like, yes. I’m like, okay. So your problem is really getting couple of customers a month, isn’t it?
They’re like, yes. Right? So you learn how to fix a couple of customers a month. Problem. You so many thousand dollars a month, so you can pay for that. You can pay for stuff, but then now you don’t have taught. So you have to figure out how to fix your time problem. Okay. So what do you, do you think any dryer, an employee, or you want to hire an employee, but you can’t do that because you barely are making money for yourself.
So you got to go get two more customers. Now you’re working 60 hours, 80 hours a week to be able to hire a team member. You’ll hire the team member. Now your expenses are $7,000 a month. They hired the next thing, the next team member. The next thing, the next thing, the next thing. Now, how much is your monthly expenses? $25,000 a month. She keeps the company afloat, but did your problems get bigger or smaller?
You just learn how to fix small problems, you get stronger, but then the word gives you the gear problems. So when you ask me what problems will go away, your problems will never go away. You’re just getting stronger to not to see the smaller problems. I mean, you’d have you you’re Dell you’re you will be given bigger problems.
Bigger challenges and you’re just consumer for them to COVID is just another problem. And depending on what you want to achieve you need to take gradual baby steps. I really, there is no one solution pick all because it’s a very customized thing for every different person. But I want to tell you one thing also, I know many people are impacted very negatively through Colby.
But also, I want you to remember that many businesses also thrive during COVID and sometimes people have expertise and knowledge that people, individuals, things that expertise or knowledge, and they default by default say Imaan is Colby time. Nobody has money. I always tell them absolutely not. That is so wrong.
That’s not true. Some people got hit backwards. Well, we lost her any time, but still there are many people that their businesses thrive because of COVID. So just if you have an expertise that people can use, don’t go by default it’s Colby time. Nobody has mine just because you lost your income because there are many people who still thrive during this time.
Okay. It’s every economy to every economy. Some people thrive as somebody who gets things. Okay. That’s normal. That’s just the way that it is. And you can be one of those people that say, everybody’s just keep that in the mind.
Joel: So for people who are thinking about starting a course is now a good time to start it. And if so, you know, with so many good out there, how do you, you know breakthrough and how do you market that course? Yeah,
Iman: That’s a great question. So yes, absolutely. It’s perfect time to start courses. If people want to create and launch your online course, if you have knowledge expertise, that can be used by other people too, to make an impact on their lives.
Absolutely doing that through online courses is one of the most amazing ways. Many people say, you know, everybody should have an online course. I don’t necessarily agree with that. I think we’ve all who have knowledge, expertise and message. Can I should have an online course makes a huge difference in our businesses online.
Iman: And here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter how many courses exist after, because, we don’t have enough courses. We don’t have enough expertise. We don’t have enough knowledge out there that is shaped within a course. And let me tell you, once in April, There are, there are some people look at YouTube videos and they think YouTube videos are replacement for courses.
They are not okay. YouTube videos give people knowledge, but that’s what they give. Okay. YouTube videos. All I can book. Okay, you will watch them. So they don’t really necessarily go take action on them. Sometimes. For example, you want to,
I don’t know, change a light ball in the car, or you want to, I don’t know, fix something in a bridge and you watch a YouTube video and yes, you learn it.
That’s fine. That’s totally good for you to video. Okay. Well, for example, on learn how to become an entrepreneur, no matter how many YouTube videos we watch, you’re not going to become an entrepreneur at all because of watching two videos. So. There are three things. I make an impact in a person’s life.
Knowledge is one of them and knowledge is not the biggest one, but it can really goes after knowledge. What you really need or what people really need is accountability and support. Everybody knows that they need to eat less and exercise more to lose weight. Yet. 40% of our population is obese. Every single one of them that they need to eat less exercise more.
Why then? Why don’t they do this? Because they don’t have support and they don’t have accountability. They don’t have the support and accountability. Right? So that’s the thing. The course is supposed to provide people support and accountability, YouTube videos. Don’t provide people support and accountability.
Okay. So YouTube gives me more knowledge, same as a book, but here’s the thing, an average book is right. Only 18 pages, only 18 pages. That’s how far we will go with a course. That is a recorded. So when people say Iman, there are not so many courses out there. Yes. There’s so much knowledge out there, but there are not lots of accountability and support out there, but to create a course.
Create a meaningful course to give people accountability and support. And for that, you can charge very reasonable prices for a course to get the support you can charge anywhere from $500 to $2,000 for a course, to give that accountability and support you can charge upwards of three thousand four thousand five thousand, 10,000, $20,000.
Just look at it as it’s the service. It’s the terrorist package in the course, you’re helping people to make it mean that Julia and I don’t have here, don’t have to talk on here for me to go through like all the details of this. I’m not actually sure what our call to action at the end of this is.
You can easily go search on Amazon for a book called Ultimate Course Formula. That’s my book. That’s my course creation book and get the keynote version of it for a dollar. And it has all the details of it, a step-by-step process on how to create and launch your online course.
And, if Joel, if, if I don’t know if Joel agrees with this or not, but then at the end, we can also get to go on 90 minutes a webinar that on the webinar and actually explain all the eight steps on what are the steps to their agents to create and launch your course. You can launch green and lots of reports in less than 60 days.
And, if we can give them all a webinar, give that we was again. It’s awesome.
Joel: Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I’ll put that in the show notes too. Can you walk through a couple, you were talking about baby steps earlier, you know, cause it seems overwhelming to create a huge or course of some sort, how, like what are some baby steps people can do to take action right away?
Iman: So the very first step is understanding why you want to create a course. Okay. And the answer is not making money sometimes we’ll say, Oh, why do you want to create a course? Sure. Yes. I mean that, that’s a byproduct. Of creating the course. Okay. But the course is just one piece of your entire business, creating selling courses on your entire business.
And you also want a piece of your entire business and that goes back your business to see what type of customers you mean. So there are three levels of customers you need to understand that are three levels of customers. So we have the interest group. Qualified group and a committed group in terms of group of people who want to just get the knowledge, you know, I’ve had people contact me and say, Hey, Joe, I want to pick your brain, your brain.
They’re just interested. They never want to pay for anything. They just want to pick your brain and get free air box or yeah. And then we have qualified people who are involved that are willing to invest something and pay something, and get some support. And then we have committed people who want to be emotionally, financially, time-wise invested in getting results.
And so those are the committed group of people. So first thing in your business, depending on where you are, if you don’t have a means to create a course for interesting people, that means inexpensive, cheap, free courses. If, if you don’t have an automated stream of income, do you want money coming on a regular basis and creating a course for qualified people?
And if you want to raise your prices and attract more committed clients, then you create force we’re committed. So the three different types of courses that treat different types of, keel sets of teachers that need to be so that’s the step one is that one is to, Put together, the structure is that too is do something.
We call the monster eight polling questions. So it won’t have time for me to go to the details of that. But technique, what it is is you ask, we will find eight to 20 people in your target market. You have eight specific questions and you, and they tell you exactly what their challenges are, what their fears are, what their frustrations are, what it is.
They want to learn what their drain. They look like, what they want to see in the package, how much they want to pay for it. And you ask them if they want to be one of first the students, if you decided to teach the course. And that helps you to be all your affairs group of beta students. And then from there, you structure the content of the course based on your market research on step three and step four, you go and sell the course and yes, you sell the course before creating it.
And he always walked. Cause you never want to spend two months, three months, almost six months creating a course. If you don’t see itself as well. Okay. Who sell the course? We invite some people as beta students. That means that the first group of beta students is first group of students and you get them broken with the first group of skills and then start gauging one session.
At the time you always teach it live where you have live audience. Why do you teach a lie? Like if you want to get the kids back. So you teach it at the end of the class. They’re like, guys, how can I make this better for you? What can I add to this? I use the customer’s feedback to improve your course. And every step you improve the correspondence to, by the time, once you have an amazing course that making an impact at the same time, it gives you cases, studies and successes stories.
Okay. Now, what are you recording the course? Everyday recording, but we’ll do it on a membership platform. Membership platform is a place that you secure your content and you give her access to the recording of your content, to your students. And now that you have your membership platform and that you have your cases, but he’s not that you have all of these things.
Then you go online and you build your sales funnel. I will zero traffic toward that sales model, which is step seven. There’s a lot more to this, but here as well. It’s one step at a time. And remember this one sentence never solve the problem. You don’t have. Never solve a problem. You don’t have, what does that mean?
Sometimes people come to me and say like, how can I create a sales funnel that converts? And I’m like, have you sold your course? No, but that’s why I want to have a funnel. I’m like, no, you can’t sell something online. If you haven’t sold it offline, you don’t want to like, I mean, you can, but you don’t want it.
You don’t want to sell something all because that takes time, like creating all that takes time. But by creating the beta students package, that takes only a couple of weeks. So you want to actually follow the steps to go back to step one and don’t try to solve a problem and then go like, so what should I name?
Well, naming is a step three. Your step one. You have to figure out what type of customer you want. You want to figure out what your topic is. You want to figure out what your target market is. A, how should I say? That’s a step forward. You hold on. Step one. So go back. Don’t try to solve problems. You don’t have go to step one and just follow it one step at a time. Okay. And we’re going to give you guys the steps as, as a gift, as part I would
Joel: I would like to wrap it up with one last question, if I may, and that is, do you have a favourite book or a book that you like to gift often?
Iman: There are two books that I really realized. one of them is success principles by Jack won’t part of the book, the books that like, I actually listen to them. I listen to books, so that’s why I say the book says, but the part of it says, read this book twice, read it once and then read it again. And I will say, read that book once a year. There are so much amazing information and knowledge in that book.
And every time you read it or you listen to it like me, it just gives you throwing amazing new ideas and suggestions that you can learn and you can implement your life in your business. That’s phenomenal. So that’s number one, success principle rejection. The second book that I highly recommend to people is a book called the power of full engagement.
By Tony Schwartz, that book has a very simple concept. And the concept is how your entire performance is dependent of how engaged you are in that performance and how you are, how everything you do. There you are working. It’s important that you are work. You were working a hundred percent and when you are arresting, you arresting 100%.
And if you are taking time with your family, you’re taking time with the family 100%. And Joe, when I learned that. My entire energy flow, my entire performance, that performance on my team, because I also got my team to rate like the entire thing change. So one of the things that I did, I stopped checking my phone while on vacation.
I totally like to put my phone aside. I don’t even know where it is. Like when I’m off, I’m completely off. When I go have lunch or dinner, I just completely just enjoying the food. And I’m just there having that meal and not worried about the fall. Not worried about TV. No worries. About other things.
Sometimes I eat while I’m watching something. Right. But many times when I feel like I’m a little bit stressed or I’m a little bit like too much running or running, I just shut down everything. And I just put the food in front of me, just enjoy every bite and the whole Gananoque of your body, of your mind, of like everything changes when you are a hundred percent fully engaged with every activity that you do.
No. So this is one of the biggest things I want to say, like the power of full engagement, definitely amazing book, make huge, huge difference in my life and the life of my team and, by Jackson.
Joel: And then thank you. Thank you so much for being on the show. Can you
tell us a little bit more about your book and where people can find you?
Iman: Yeah, absolutely. So for the webinar, that we talked earlier today. Obviously, Joel is going to put the link for you guys in the show notes. So go be on the show notes and father find the link to the webinar. I highly recommend to you to go attended webinars and automate the webinar. It happens every day at 11:00 AM.
So if you go there tweet today shows you a webinar tomorrow. It’s very engaging, but the reason we make it automated. So you dedicate the time. To show up live and you watch it. If you can, if you sign up, you get the recording debates, the day after the webinar. So I highly recommend it, also puts you on our list and you can respond to that.
That goes to one of the supporting. They can send it to me. If you want to give me, put me directly. And you can also go to Amazon and buy ultimate course formula to Kindle book at the time that Joel and I are talking just 99 cents. so, you can just get the Kindle or get the physical book, cover it, and, just the teachers you have to create and launch your post.
Joel: Awesome. Thank you so much, man.
Iman: Absolutely. Thanks for having me.
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Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.
He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at