In this blog you’ll learn how to create an audiobook using AI.

If you’ve been paying close attention to AI’s potential capability to write books, you’re likely wondering when the technological marvel will eventually reach its potential.

It’s safe to assume you’ve seen a handful of content online detailing how easy it is to convert an eBook into an audiobook.

All it takes is a little text-to-speech (TTS) software, and you’re ready.

But what if you need to create an audiobook from scratch? Can AI help you out with that? The answer is yes, and this guide shows you how.

Why Create An Audiobook?

Creating an audiobook can be a strategic and rewarding venture for authors, publishers, and content creators.

Audiobooks have surged in popularity, providing a convenient and immersive way for audiences to enjoy literature and non-fiction alike. Here are several compelling reasons why creating an audiobook can be beneficial:

Expanding Audience Reach

Audiobooks make content accessible to a broader audience, including those who may prefer audio over text due to lifestyle, learning preferences, or visual impairments. Commuters, multitaskers, and visually impaired readers can all benefit from the format. By offering an audiobook version, creators tap into a segment of the market that might otherwise remain untapped.

Increasing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Audiobooks play a critical role in making literature more accessible and inclusive. They are an excellent resource for people with dyslexia, those who are visually impaired, or anyone who finds reading text challenging. Audiobooks can help improve comprehension and fluency, making them a valuable educational tool as well.

Enhancing the Reading Experience

An audiobook can transform the reading experience through skilled narration and production. A good narrator can add depth to the material, expressing emotions and bringing characters to life in ways that text alone may not convey. Sound effects and music can also enhance the storytelling, making the experience more engaging and cinematic.

Adapting to Modern Lifestyles

In our fast-paced world, people often seek ways to efficiently use their time. Audiobooks fit perfectly into daily routines that may not lend themselves to traditional reading, such as exercising, driving, or cooking. This convenience appeals to busy professionals, parents, and students alike, integrating seamlessly into multitasking activities.

Providing a New Revenue Stream

For authors and publishers, audiobooks represent an additional revenue stream. As the audiobook market continues to grow, there is significant potential for increased sales. Moreover, audiobooks can attract new customers who exclusively listen to audiobooks, thereby boosting overall sales across different formats of the book.

Leveraging Technological Advancements

The rise of smartphones and digital streaming platforms has made audiobooks more accessible than ever. With apps and devices designed to enhance the listening experience, users can easily purchase, download, and enjoy audiobooks, making them a natural choice for tech-savvy consumers.

Capitalizing on Voice Search and AI

With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri, audio content is becoming more integral to how we interact with technology. Audiobooks can be optimized for voice search, making them more discoverable and desirable in a voice-first tech environment.

Building Personal Connections

Narrators of audiobooks often build a following, with listeners feeling a personal connection to their favorite voices. This connection can lead to greater loyalty and interest in an author’s work, particularly if the same narrator is used across a series of books.

Why Use AI To Create Your Audiobook?

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to create audiobooks is an innovative approach that’s reshaping the publishing landscape. AI technologies offer a range of benefits from reducing production costs to enhancing accessibility. Here’s a deeper look at why employing AI in audiobook production is becoming increasingly popular and advantageous:


Traditional audiobook production can be expensive, primarily due to the costs associated with hiring voice actors, sound engineers, and studio time. AI voice synthesis technology, however, can replicate human speech with high fidelity at a fraction of the cost. This makes audiobook production more accessible for self-published authors and small publishers who might otherwise be unable to afford the creation of audiobooks.

Scalability and Speed

AI can produce audiobooks much faster than traditional methods. Once a text is finalized, AI tools can convert it into spoken audio in mere minutes or hours, depending on the length of the book. This rapid production time allows publishers to release audiobook versions simultaneously with print and e-book editions, helping to capitalize on the initial marketing push and maintain momentum across all formats.

Consistency in Quality and Style

AI provides consistent audio quality and narration style. For series or publications that benefit from uniformity in voice and tone, AI can maintain the exact same characteristics across multiple books, which is sometimes challenging with human narrators due to variables like voice changes, availability, or different interpretations of the material.

Multilingual and Accent Adaptation

AI technology can produce audiobooks in multiple languages and dialects without requiring multiple narrators who are fluent in each language. This capability is especially useful for global releases and helps publishers reach a wider international audience without incurring the steep costs of multilingual voice talent.

Personalization Options

With AI, there’s potential for personalizing the listening experience. Listeners might be able to choose the type of voice they prefer, adjust speech rate, or even select accents, thus enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. This level of customization is beyond the scope of traditional audiobook production.

Accessibility Enhancements

AI can play a significant role in improving accessibility. For instance, it can easily integrate with other AI-driven tools such as text-to-speech for visually impaired users or speech recognition for interactive learning applications. Additionally, AI can be programmed to read aloud texts that are not typically commercially viable to produce as audiobooks, such as academic texts, user manuals, and other niche publications.

Experimentation with Innovative Formats

AI opens up possibilities for new audiobook formats that blend narration with AI-driven interactivity, such as books that adapt to a listener’s preferences or interactive learning books where the AI responds to user input. These innovations could redefine how listeners engage with audiobooks.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Digital AI production is less resource-intensive than traditional recording, which often involves travel and physical studio spaces. By minimizing these elements, AI production lessens the carbon footprint associated with producing audiobooks.

Voice Actor versus AI-Generated Narration

Before discussing the specifics of creating an audiobook with AI, it’s best to understand the key differences between a human voice actor and an AI-generated narrator.

A voice actor brings life to a written text, using tone, inflection, and emotion to pique the audience’s interest. Doing so also adds depth and character to different voices or characters within the story.

On the other hand, an AI-generated narrator relies on algorithms and pre-recorded voices to produce a spoken version of the text. This method is more efficient and cost-effective but lacks the human touch that a voice actor provides.

But before judging AI-generated narration, remember that technology continuously evolves and improves. This means that the quality of AI-generated voices is improving over time.

Meanwhile, did you know that it will usually take several weeks or even months to complete the recording for a single audiobook with a voice actor, while an AI-generated narration can be produced in hours? The former will require finding the ideal voice actor, recording and editing the audio, and possibly re-recording sections if necessary. AI-generated narration is a faster alternative for those with time constraints.

The Process of Creating an Audiobook Using AI

We’re looking at four steps: converting text into speech, enhancing the audio quality, adding background music or sound effects, and proofreading the final product.

Step 1 – Converting Text into Speech

The initial step in creating an audiobook using AI technology involves converting the written text into spoken words through text-to-speech software. This technology uses advanced algorithms to produce human-like speech from digital text synthetically. The rationale behind using AI TTS tools is their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ability to produce audiobooks much faster than traditional methods involving voice actors.

AI TTS technology analyzes the text and applies linguistic rules to convert the written language into phonetic expressions. These expressions are then matched with pre-recorded voice samples to generate speech. Modern TTS systems leverage deep learning and neural networks, significantly improving the naturalness and expressiveness of the AI-generated voice. They’re designed to adjust tone and pace and even emulate emotions to an extent, offering a listening experience that’s increasingly comparable to a human narrator.

To make the most out of AI TTS tools for audiobook production, consider the following best practices:

  • Choose the Right Voice: Most TTS platforms offer various voice options in multiple languages and accents. Select a voice that best suits your audiobook’s genre and content. For instance, a warm and engaging voice might be ideal for fiction, while a clear and straightforward voice could be better suited for non-fiction.
  • Customize Speech Patterns: Use the tool’s settings to adjust the speech rate, pitch, and volume to match the narrative style of your book. Many platforms allow for customizing pauses and emphasis on certain words or phrases, ultimately improving the listening experience.
  • Proof listening: After converting the text to speech, don’t forget to listen carefully to the audiobook. This step ensures that the pronunciation is correct, the emotions are fitting, and the pacing is comfortable for listeners.
  • Iterate and Edit: If any audiobook section doesn’t sound right, modify the text input or tweak the TTS settings and regenerate the audio. This iterative process helps fine-tune the output to mimic how a human would narrate the text closely.
  • Leverage Advanced Features: Explore advanced features, i.e., SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), if supported by your chosen TTS tool. SSML tags allow for finer control over the speech output, including specifying phonetic pronunciations for uncommon words, adding breaks, and controlling intonation, making the narration sound more natural and engaging.

Step 2 – Audio Quality Enhancement

After generating the audiobook narration, focus on improving its overall quality. While AI TTS tools are highly efficient, they might fail to recognize and pronounce certain words or phrases accurately. Also, some platforms may generate a robotic-sounding voice you’d want to filter out.

To achieve this, you must:

  • Eliminate Background Noise: Ambient sounds such as humming, clicking, or background music might affect the audio quality. Remove them using an equalizer.
  • Adjust Audio Levels: Ensure that the volume of the audiobook is consistent throughout and there are no sudden spikes or drops that can distract listeners.
  • Use Voice Filters: If your TTS platform offers voice filters, i.e., noise reduction or echo cancellation, use them to fine-tune the audio.

Step 3 – Adding Background Music and Sound Effects

Next, spice up your audiobook by adding background music or sound effects. This step is optional but will help boost the overall listening experience. You can source royalty-free music from online libraries or create original tracks using AI-powered music generation tools.

Alternatively, you can apply sound effects like applause, footsteps, or thunder to amplify certain scenes in your audiobook. Be cautious not to overdo it, as too many effects can be distracting and take away from the narration.

The one thing you can’t do here is include licensed music or sound effects without proper permission; doing so will lead to copyright infringement issues.

Step 4 – Proofreading and Final Editing

The final step in creating an audiobook using AI is a thorough proofreading and editing process. This stage makes perfect sense as it ensures the audiobook is error-free and aligns well with the author’s vision. It involves listening to the entire audiobook and paying close attention to detail, ensuring that the speech sounds natural, the correct pronunciation, and the pacing fits the book’s narrative style.

Proof listening is as important as proofreading in traditional book publishing. It might reveal issues not evident during the text-to-speech conversion, i.e., awkward pauses, misplaced emphasis, or even misinterpretations of the text. Corrections might involve going back to the text to adjust punctuation, rephrasing sentences for clarity, or modifying the settings of the text-to-speech tool to better capture the intended tone or emotion.

Editing might also include adjusting the timing and volume of background music and sound effects to ensure they complement rather than distract from the narration.

This step often requires a fine balance; the goal is to enhance the storytelling without overwhelming the listener.

You likewise must consider the overall flow of the audiobook.

Chapters should transition smoothly, and sections within chapters should be cohesively structured. If your audiobook includes additional elements, like an introduction, acknowledgments, or a call to action at the end, see that these are properly placed and produced with the same attention to quality and detail as the main content.

Once you are satisfied with the quality of your audiobook, it’s ready for distribution.

Whether you’re publishing on the usual platforms like Audible, Apple Books, or Google Play or offering the audiobook directly from your website, remember to follow each platform’s specific requirements regarding file formats, quality standards, and metadata to guarantee a successful release.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at