You know by now how valuable thought leadership is when it comes to building brand awareness.
You’ve incorporated it into your marketing strategy, into your branding and to the very essence of your business.
Like everyone else, you started at the bottom but thought leadership helped you get this far.
But did you know that there’s more to it than just help you build awareness of your business or company online?
Today, we’ll talk about how it “future proofs” your investment (and make more money in the long run).
Countless small and medium-sized businesses found overnight success in establishing an online presence; unfortunately, most of them were short-lived.
Although some entrepreneurs went to great lengths to become thought leaders, they couldn’t sustain it.
We’ll refresh your memory first before delving into the ways to future-proof your business through thought leadership.
What is Thought Leadership?
The thought leader carries with him a trusted opinion – a point of view from which other people absorb and respect.
Thought leadership means having a convincing voice on a particular industry or subject.
In business, thought leaders inspire and motivate people using their ideas and words. They provide the theory in helping others turn their dream into reality.
If you hope to start a business selling shoes, you go to the people who’ve done it before and succeeded. They’re considered experts – the ones you look up to create a path of success for your own.
Why Is It Important in Business?
Thought leadership is more than just business terminology.
If you want an effective and lasting marketing strategy, transform yourself into a thought leader. Once you establish that reputation, it’ll stick like glue.
Business owners and entrepreneurs who are regarded as thought leaders will amass a loyal following. People will be there waiting for your input all the time.
That’s a big plus for your brand because it means consumers look up to you, making it easier to convince them to buy your product or avail of your service.
Over 80% of consumers wish to learn more about a product or service through research before deciding to buy.
If you own a business in a highly competitive landscape, take advantage of thought leadership to build credibility for your brand. In turn, it’ll put you on top of your competitors.
How Do You Stay Ahead Of Your Competition?
Aside from boosting your marketing strategy, being a thought leader also helps future proof your business.
With the right approach in place, you’ll anticipate and develop strategies that minimize the possible effects of events in the foreseeable future.
The first step is to lessen “salesy” content. It sounds counterintuitive at first, considering that the purpose of building an online presence is to sell a product or service.
However, consumers don’t share the same perspective. It’s more important for them to find out if you can give them helpful information.
They will only deal with you if it benefits them.
If you continue pushing for sales-heavy content, they’ll turn their backs on you and look elsewhere. This won’t sit well with your hope of future-proofing your brand. Over-reliance on sales-heavy content could put you out of business in no time.
What you should be doing instead is to provide your audience with valuable information. To do so, you must transform yourself from a salesperson into a thought leader.
Supplying consumers with useful information helps you forge relationships with them; they’ll put a premium value on your expert knowledge.
Down the road, they’ll associate a product or service to your brand as being the most reliable and trustworthy.
Exposure is another way thought leadership helps future proof your business.
As soon as you build a reputation as a thought leader, take full advantage of it by exposing your brand to the media.
Every business or company craves public relations coverage; so, grab that chance because it’ll help establish your brand for years to come.
Once media have covered you, it creates a lasting impression on your target audience. It reminds them of your brand whenever they need a product or service that you offer.
Thought leadership keeps your business going by reminding your customers you’re there.
Although you may only have sporadic contact with your clients (selling your product or service once or twice a year), it doesn’t mean that you don’t interact with them.
As a thought leader, you’re always on their radar because of the impact of your content.
So, whenever they need to shop for products or services in your niche, your brand is on the top of the list of considerations.
The idea of thought leadership is to help your business become a market leader. Although there are other ways to make it happen, most of them are unsustainable.
Being a thought leader future proofs any business because you create a lifelong impression. It doesn’t matter which medium you use, be it blogs, social media, news, or traditional marketing.
The bottom line is that a thought leader brings forth respect. When people look up to you and your brand, your business will survive for the imaginable future.

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.
He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at