Writers, innovators, entrepreneurs, free thinkers and everyday folks employ the medium of the written word to accomplish a wide range of objectives.

For your particular project, your primary motivation may be expanding your business and gaining a greater client base. If so, employing the services of a ghostwriter may be a wise investment for a myriad of reasons.

While hiring a ghostwriter may not be the first thing you think of when you think of spending money on marketing but it’s a worthwhile investment that will pay dividends for years if not decades to come.


Sell Sell Sell!

As you begin (what can be) a long, arduous and tedious process, your focus can be dedicated to disseminating your vast knowledge base, and not on the logistics of the writing itself.

The ghostwriter can then compile these ideas into a clear, concise and digestible format that is targeted towards your ideal market. This makes for a more polished piece of literature that effectively and efficiently showcases your know-how and experiences, while producing an enjoyable read for the end user.

All of these elements come into play when creating a popular and well-read book that can lead to more interest, more opportunities for publishing, and at the end of the day, more book sales.


Look (and Sound) Like a Pro!

Employing a ghostwriter can elevate and enhance your writing project so that your book gains the traction that it deserves, and can then aid in making you an expert in your field. This can not only create more of a buzz around your book, but it also lends credibility to your image and reputation in your subject matter.

Most experts have some published materials under their belt, and it tends to be a benchmark of success in many lines of work. Let our ghostwriting skills aid in this process and help you make your mark!

Talk to Me!

With a well-written piece of writing to your name, you may be invited to professional speaking engagements where you can demonstrate your knowledge firsthand to an audience of eager spectators (and potentially, qualified clients). Your book can be the first step in creating that buzz and showing your industry that you know your stuff as an established and proficient authority in your field.

As with anything else, you need to sell yourself and your value to clients, and your book can accomplish just that. Public speaking provides an ideal opportunity for you to get in front of a group of interested individuals and let your smarts (and your personality) shine through.

This will lead not only to getting paid for speaking but you can sell larger ticket items on stage.

Learn more about how your writing can help you get paid to speak HERE.

And if you want to learn more about how to get onto the TED stage, read this post HERE



Landing more clients requires considerable marketing efforts in any field of study or interest. There is no better way to market yourself to the public than to put your ideas on paper and let the words work their magic.

If you are interested in growing your business, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you initiate this whole endeavour seamlessly! We have a proven process to help you get your book onto the shelves.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at info@ghostwritersandco.com