In this blog post I’m going to show you how to hire a proofreader online.

The emergence of freelance editors and proofreaders is blurring the lines between work professionally done and those that lack the quality expected from a legitimate proofreader.

Traditionally, authors and writers who needed help with their editing and proofreading had to hire them through an agency or a publisher.

But in a digitally progressive world, it’s become more feasible to hire a proofreader online.

Proofreading: A Lesson in Quality

Quality assurance was the one thing that led to the success of the traditional proofreading system.

To ensure the job was done professionally, publishers and agencies had teams to assess the work before it could be published or accepted by clients.

Proofreading has become an industry on its own.

And while hiring a proofreader online has become a viable option because of the unbelievably huge rate difference, the usual problem with this path is you’re likelier to come across faux services that might not deliver the quality you expect.

There’s no shortage of cases when authors failed to sell their books due to inconsistencies in grammar, format, and even errors in the plot.

Some of them got feedback from loyal readers, attesting that the work was inferior to the author’s previous works.

The last thing an author like you wants is a tarnished reputation brought about by an incompetent proofreader.

It’s a definite challenge to come across someone who knows more than you, and it’s the whole point of working with a proofreader.

So, no matter how limited your budget is or if you don’t have that many prospects to work with, you should never start looking for a proofreader with a mindset that you can get away with cutting a few corners.

Quality must always come first.

Why Not a Renowned Agency?

The most obvious reason to hire a proofreader online is the reduced cost.

But it’s not an excuse to opt for someone with no reputation or references.

Those who’ve worked in the industry for so long can deliver higher productivity and accuracy – all in exchange for more money than you’d pay a freelancer.

That said, it can’t be denied that the industry’s most prolific proofreaders command a price that’s too high, even for those with the means.

On the other side of the fence, freelancers are known to be more eager and open to negotiation than agencies.

It’s not uncommon for authors to pawn off their work in exchange for a good review or something they can use as leverage in the future.

But again, it’ll boil down to quality and how much you’re willing to shell out on one.

Accordingly, it’s worth it because you’ll get a proofreader specializing in your niche.

Be it fiction titles or non-fiction works, expecting someone to do an exemplary job is non-negotiable – more so that you’re paying for their service.

Research Proofreaders 

As with anything else, it pays to research before deciding whether to hire a proofreader online or through an agency.

There are risks involved in taking the online route, but if you’re lucky enough to find the perfect writing partner with the skills and knowledge that you need, then it’s definitely worth it.

You probably don’t know it, but plenty of freelance websites can give you access to thousands of proofreaders. All you need to do is sign up, set up a payment method, and look for the perfect match.

A Detailed Job Description

The more detail you include when creating your job description, the likelier it is to find someone who can deliver what’s expected of them. Some things to include are:

  • The type of content you need proofread, i.e., blog posts, articles, books, etc.
  • Your budget and timeframe
  • Detail any special requirements or preferences you have
  • A sample of the type of work you’re looking for
  • A short description of the project

The smallest details matter, more so when it comes to hiring a proofreader online.

The more information you give in your job description, the easier it is for potential applicants to determine if they’re fit for the role.

In other words, it’ll minimize the chances of corresponding with the wrong prospects. In fact, it’ll save a lot of time and effort if you make sure your job listing is clear.

You also need to make sure that payment terms and conditions are discussed before starting the project. Both parties know what’s expected of them, and there won’t be any confusion later.

Look At The Proofreader’s Portfolio

It’s easy to stumble upon a prospect or two, but you can’t take their word at face value.

So, when hiring a proofreader online, put in the effort to check their portfolio and see their past works, as they tell you a lot about their skills and capabilities.

It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not fit for the job if they don’t have one.

But it’s still best to err on the side of caution and ask them for references or samples.

The more you know about their expertise, the better chance you get in hiring the best available option.

Ask about their experience with similar projects, too, as it’ll give you a clue of how well they can handle the job.

Communication is Key

When you find the ideal candidate for your project, communication is key to keeping everything in check.

Insist on setting up online meetings, video chats, or call each other to discuss the details of the project.

What you hope is for both of you to confirm you’re on the same page regarding expectations and make sure that all parties are in agreement.

It’ll also be helpful to establish a set of criteria for evaluating the work so there won’t be any uncertainties when it comes to the results.

See that you give the proofreader clear instructions on what needs to be done and any other special requirements they should follow.

Remember that some factors, i.e., language or dialect, can influence how a piece of content is written.

So if you’re looking for someone specializing in a particular type of writing, you must note it in the job description.

Separating the Pro Proofreader from the Faux

Despite the abundance of references and an extensive portfolio, you can’t be too sure if a potential candidate is the real deal.

When hiring a proofreader online, you must always use your best judgment and ask yourself: Does this person have enough experience and expertise to take on the job?

To find the answer, you can do a background check and see if they have credible credentials to support their claims.

Ask for professional recommendations from colleagues or people who’ve worked with them.

The key is figuring out if you’re about to work with a professional. You can do that by following these tips:

Tip 1 – Ask for a sample proofread.

It pays to ask for a sample of their work, as it’ll indicate how well they can handle the project.

This one’s hard to fake, so it’s an effective way to gauge their capabilities.

Send your prospects a sample of your work and ask them to proofread it.

This isn’t asking too much, especially since they’re serious about getting the job. Send the same snippet from your work, the purpose of which is for you to compare how each of them handled the job.

If possible, ask them for a sample proofread from a few of your works so you can have a more comprehensive evaluation.

Remember that you’re not merely looking for the most impressive proofreader; you also want to find out which best fits your writing style.

Tip 2 – Test out their knowledge.

An experienced proofreader should know the basics of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

But if you’re searching for an expert in a specific niche, i.e., novels, legal documents, or literature, then it’s best to ask them some questions related to your topic. The idea is to gauge their answers to test their understanding of the subject matter.

Having a good grasp of the material at hand is essential for someone who will proofread your work, as it gives them better insight into what needs to be done.

Tip 3 – Assess their professionalism.

It’s easy to assume that experienced proofreaders are always professional and courteous.

Pay attention to how they communicate with you and if they follow your instructions without problems.

Aside from being able to do the job, polite and understanding professionals are easy to get along with, which is a bonus.

You’ll realize how crucial it is to work with a legitimate professional, especially when you need the job done quickly and accurately.

A pro knows all too well how to deal with deadlines and will be able to complete the project without being constantly reminded.

Tip 4 – Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.

It’s obvious that you should be looking out for errors in the sample proofread, as it’ll tell you whether they can deliver quality work.

If there are a lot of typos or other issues, it’s better to look elsewhere. Rule number one in hiring a proofreader online: don’t settle for sloppy work.

What’s the point of working with a proofreader when you’re going to end up having to proofread their work?

What to Avoid In a Proofreader 

Hiring a proofreader online gives you distinct advantages, including the wide availability of options and reasonable rates.

But as easy as it may seem, there are also certain risks you need to be aware of.

  • Anonymous edits – Have you come across proofreading services or websites where they let you submit your work for proofreading but won’t tell you who’s going to do it? If so, step away from them. It’s a red flag that indicates you’re dealing with someone unqualified and inexperienced. It makes no sense to submit your work for proofreading when you’re clueless about the competence or qualification of the proofreader.
  • Reusing content – Be wary of proofreaders claiming to work for a certain company or university if they can’t back it up with tangible evidence. Unscrupulous individuals may be using these as a guise to make you think they’re reliable and trustworthy. These people will repurpose content from sources without giving any credit.
  • Below-average fees – While it’s true that rates vary depending on the job and the proofreader’s experience, be wary of those who offer outrageously low prices. Experienced professionals usually charge fair fees for their services, so if you find someone offering suspiciously cheap rates, then it’s likely they don’t have enough expertise to do a good job. Generally, we don’t recommend bidding sites because these are usually full of inexperienced proofreaders and people who aren’t serious about the job. They’ll bid on a project, get it, and deliver subpar work afterwards. Although you could reject their work, having to deal with them means you’ve wasted precious time.

Get Everything in Writing

Online business deals, including hiring a proofreader online, should always be done with a written agreement.

All the details and expectations should be laid out in detail to avoid conflict down the road.

It’s especially crucial when it comes to specific instructions, deadlines, revisions, and payment agreements. Have everything documented so you can refer back to them if you ever need to settle certain disputes.

A contract is binding, which means both parties should abide by the rules set out in it. It’s especially important when working with a. proofreader online since you won’t be able to monitor them closely.

Last Thoughts On Hiring A Proofreader Online

Hiring an online proofreader isn’t that hard – you just have to understand what to look for and trust your gut.

It can be overwhelming at certain points, but it doesn’t have to be.

If you’re familiar with how things work, you’ll find the right fit for your manuscript.

As much as you’d want to strictly follow the tips and steps mentioned here, don’t forget to trust your instincts.

Even if the would-be best proofreader is there for the taking, if you don’t feel comfortable with working with them, then it’s best to move on.

Don’t forget that you’re supposed to work with this person for an extended time, so being at ease with each other is a must.

Further Reading

How To Write A Business Book

Hiring An Editor For Your Book

How To Publish Your Book

How To Become A Ted Talk Speaker 

Publishing Trends in 2022

How To Write A Book Proposal 

How To Hire A Ghostwriter 

Hybrid Publishing Vs Self Publishing 

How To Hire A Ghostwriter On Upwork

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at