In this blog post, we’ll go over if you should use an AI writing tool.

Who would’ve thought content creation could end up like this?

Call it a revolution if you would, but the writing industry is heading toward dependence on artificial intelligence.

It’s no secret that writing good content takes time, energy, and effort. That’s why many businesses are turning to AI-based tools for help.

With the click of a few buttons and some input from you, these tools will churn out high-quality, engaging content in no time.

But is it really worth it? Will these tools produce truly compelling content that’s actually worth reading? Or are they just a waste of money and resources? Let’s look at the pros and cons of using AI writing tools to find out.

Why Use an AI Writing Tool?

1 – Increased Production in your writing

Writing is no easy work; it takes brainpower, creativity, and attention to detail.

And even after you’ve put in all that hard work, there’s still no guarantee that your audience will receive the piece well.

This is especially true if you’re a freelancer working with multiple clients and scheduling their content into your already busy schedule. The hours you spend writing are essentially non-billable, so they can quickly eat away at your bottom line.

Now, here comes the AI writing tool. Using one of these tools allows you to produce content in quick succession – a rate that you can never emulate if you’re doing it manually. In theory, AI tools let you produce content for your clients on time, promising excellent quality pieces.

2 – Reduced Rates

No matter your industry, you’re bound to have competition. And as a freelance writer working with other businesses, it’s your goal to stay ahead of the game and offer something that will set you apart from the rest of the market. So how do you do that?

If you’re able to produce high-quality content at a faster pace, your clients will be willing to pay you more for it.

If you can produce one piece in less time and with better quality, then there’s the potential that your client may pay you more for it. And AI writing tools can help you do just that.

This means that you could create more favourable rates for your business and bring in the revenue you need.

3 – Increased Reach

Let’s face it; sometimes, it can be difficult to come up with ideas for something new to write about.

And even when there is an idea, producing an engaging piece could still be hard.

Cue the AI writing tool. It’ll save time and energy in the ideation phase of your content creation process.

It will provide you with prompts or sources to get you started, so you don’t have to worry about wasting hours brainstorming for an idea repeatedly.

The tool will also help you create engaging content that’s entertaining and informative to read, so it’ll help increase the chance of your piece being shared or recommended by your audience.

With an increased reach, there’s a higher chance that more people will come across your business or website, thereby increasing your chances of conversion.

Why You Shouldn’t Use an AI Writing Tool

1 – Lack of Knowledge or Expertise

It’s great to have a writing tool that’ll help produce high-quality content in less time, but it comes with a price.

Keep in mind that you’re essentially outsourcing your creativity and knowledge. In other words, no matter how well a tool can write, it won’t be able to provide you with unique or insightful content.

This one’s a given since AI tools rely on algorithms that are heavily based on keyword research for their inputs.

So, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with content that’s just regurgitated information and not offering any value to your audience.

2 – Absence of Emotion

Arguably the most obvious drawback of an AI writing tool is its cold and unemotional nature.

It doesn’t incorporate or weigh the feelings you want people to experience when they read your content, and it’s unable to recognize emotions in a way that a human can.

You most likely will end up with content that reads and sounds like a robot wrote it.

Of course, conveying emotions through your writing isn’t always 100% necessary, but having the human touch there still makes a difference.

3 – Lack of Control Over Content Quality

When you’re using an AI-generated content tool for your business, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with poor-quality content, even if the tool promises high-quality output. The reason is quite simple: the tool relies on algorithms, and no amount of data will ever replace human input.

The opinion of a person matters more than some sort of program because we have the ability to interpret information differently based on experiences. It’ll ultimately affect how your target audience consumes and responds to your content.

4 – No Engagement or Personalization

It’s almost always a requirement to cater to your target audience when creating content.

However, without the necessary personalized touch, there’s no way an AI-generated writing tool will achieve that goal.

It fails to understand who you’re writing for and what they want regarding engagement, experience, and the overall message you intend to convey.

Know Who You’re Writing For

The decision to use an AI writing tool all boils down to your objectives.

If you’re looking to produce a ton of content on a tight schedule, then maybe turning to AI is the way to go.

However, if quality and insightful content creation are what matters most in your business or blog, then you’re better off sticking to what works – personalized and relatable writing.

But then again, improvements in data collection combined with sophisticated algorithms are bound to boost this tool and improve it over time.

It won’t be a surprise if these “robots” can ultimately write like humans. Whether it’s a good or a bad thing: that’s a whole other issue altogether.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at