In this blog post, if you’re living in India, you’ll learn everything you need to know about hiring a high-quality ghostwriter.

High-quality content will attract traffic to your website, increase your profits, grow your customer base, and build your brand awareness.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in India, Canada, or the U.S – high-quality content is invaluable.

It’s vital to any successful business with an online presence in 2021.

Here are some statistics on the importance of high-quality content writing

  • According to digital marketers, content writing is the second most crucial part of digital marketing behind social media.
  • Google remains the most critical traffic referrer on the internet, and high-quality content writing is the best way to build traffic.
  • 38% of bloggers that spend six or more hours on an article get the best results.

How to hire a ghostwriter?

Ghostwriters are everywhere on the internet. You can find them on various websites, such as:

  • Upwork
  • Fiver
  • ProBlogger
  • com
  • TextBrooker
  • CrowdContent
  • WriterAccess

You can find thousands of low-paid writers on Upwork, Fiverr, and Facebook.

Unfortunately, people sometimes underpay writers, and many writers don’t understand their value or how to market themselves.

You can hire writers for $0.010 to $0.015 per word on Upwork on Fiverr, but finding good native writers at that rate is challenging.

Sure, you’re going to find some excellent writers working at that value, but it will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Some world-class writers begin their careers on Upwork and content mills, but they don’t stick around for long.

If you’re from India, paying extra for a North American ghostwriter with the experience and skills to deliver excellent content is worth every cent spent.

You’ll hire a writer with superb grammar knowledge, a refined writing style, and someone who has invested in their craft.

Here are some other reasons for paying extra for a premium ghostwriter

The writer can dedicate time to your content

Good writing takes lots of hard work. Of course, anyone can spew out generic content on content mills.

However, excellent writing – the type that adds extensive value to readers – takes time.

If you’re going to pay American, British, or Australian writers $0.015 per word, they will need to write thousands of words daily to make an even remotely sustainable living.

Therefore, you will not achieve fantastic writing when ghostwriters have to churn out countless articles daily. They’re likely to rush through your piece in hours so that they can put food on the table.

Alternatively, when you pay for a premium ghostwriter, they can spend days on your article. As a result, you’ll get a far better article that adds value to your business.

You will get an expert in your subject

Writers on content mills write about multiple subjects for a living.

These subjects can include travel, insurance, real estate, health, and sport.

If you have a technical niche requiring expertise and experience, you’re unlikely to find excellent writers on content mills.

It would help if you had a writer that specializes in your industry and niche.

If you want a writer who understands your industry’s ins and outs, pay for a premium ghostwriter.

The ghostwriters will have in-depth knowledge of the topic and add valuable knowledge that a generic content mill writer simply can’t.

In addition, Google ranks articles that are well-written and add value to the reader.

So, why would you allow a low-paid writer with no industry expertise to write your content?

It’s unlikely to rank and will be a complete waste of your time.

If the writer has a social media following, an array of bylines, and has worked in the industry before, you’ll know they can deliver quality.

You’ll get considerably better results

Content writing that can rank on Google requires SEO and a vast understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, high-quality copywriting is a skill that a writer must learn.

Writers can’t write excellent copy without an understanding of the skill.

Finally, Google prefers content written in active voice, but you’ll need a skilled writer to eradicate passive voice.

The famous quote “you pay for what you get” applies to most things in life, and it applies to ghostwriters too.

Suppose a writer knows they have the skills to deliver you copy that sells thousands of times, SEO optimized articles that rank on Google’s first page, and articles that are highly entertaining and readable.

In that case, they will know how much money they can make you, and they’ll have the confidence to charge higher rates.

Good writers don’t need lots of editing or revisions

The last thing you want is to spend hours editing poorly written articles that don’t match your tone and have stylistic issues.

Unfortunately, when you don’t pay for premium writers, you’re risking poor writing and wasted time editing or requesting revisions.

As stated earlier, if a writer is charging lower rates – they probably have to write too much content.

So, they’re going to plough through the articles like they’re working at a factory. The articles may lack quality grammar, consistency, style, and in-depth research.

You’ll find the high word count is burning writers out.

As a result, the content will suffer, and you’ll get less value for your money and spend overtime editing and revising the content.

On the other hand, good premium ghostwriters are masters of their craft, and you won’t have to edit their work.

How to find and Hire a Premium Ghostwriter

  • Approach the best writers in your industry – You can always find the best writers in your industry from a quick Google search, and if they already have bylines and a following, it can bring tonnes of extra traffic
  • Use content platforms that value writers – Find content mills that invest in high-quality writing because these platforms will have the best writers on the web
  • Ask for referrals – Many companies have writers on retainer contracts, and a simple referral could land you an excellent premium ghostwriter
  • Hire us- This is the shameless plug section. We are a global service and can fit you with the right writer that will best tell your story. Contact us today to see how we can help!


The internet is full of poor-quality blogs with no SEO optimization, passive voice, poor grammar, and spelling mistakes.

Google doesn’t like these blogs because it wants to add value to readers.

However, if you’re looking to own content that genuinely adds value to potential customers, you’re going to have to pay a premium price for it.

The gig economy can work if you’re looking to churn out endless small articles with little value.

But the best content requires skill, time, and expertise.

You won’t find that for $0.010 per word on Upwork and Fiverr. If you’re from India, you’ll struggle to get a native speaker and the quality of writing will reflect in the price.

Invest extra and get the best results for your business.

Joel Mark Harris

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.

He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at