Is your blog not getting the type of traffic you want?
In this article we’ll show you how to get people to actually see your blog once it’s written – because let’s face it, there’s no point in writing blog posts if nobody reads them.
With so many people writing the same stuff online, you begin to worry about your place in a fiercely competitive industry.
Blogging is not your typical writing hobby. You do it not only because you are passionate about it. You intend to convert your words into profit. But before you become a successful blogger, you first need for people to notice you.
The memories of my first years in blogging are still fresh. While it no longer pains me when I bring those thoughts back, I still acknowledge how difficult it was.
When I created my site and published my first blog, I would go on and wake up early morning to check Google Analytics.
I usually would do it five or six times a day. I was obsessed with it. The only thing that ran through my mind was if I was getting enough traffic for my site.
It was only a matter of time until I felt depressed. Continually looking at the numbers made it worse. I could not help myself but wonder, “why am I not getting traffic on my blog?”
At that point, I realized that there is more to writing a blog than I thought I knew. Creating the content was just the first step.
The biggest challenge ahead of me was to do something that will get my blog the traffic it needs.
If you are new to blogging, you should create and embrace that killer instinct. Despite your natural ability and skills in writing, your success is not guaranteed if you do not invite attention to your blog.
So, what we are going to discuss today are the ways to optimize your content for it to pique the interest of your target audience.
I know the term “optimize” may sound technical, but trust me, these tips are doable even for someone with zero experience in blogging.
1 – Create a Post About A Topic or Subject That People Are Interested In
The first question you ask yourself before writing anything is this: “what is a good blog post topic?”
Inexperienced bloggers waste their time writing on something they are interested or knowledgeable, failing to realize that it may not even be something that a target audience will be fascinated with. In finding a marketable idea, you should do the following:
- Research about the most popular subjects in your niche.
- Ask your readers (provided you already have a following).
- Perform keyword research.
2 – Figure Out the Best Keywords for the Topic
A successful blogger must embrace the mentality of writing for the sake of the audience. This is one thing I always insist on people who want to start blogging. Likewise, you should not undermine the importance of optimizing your content.
Aside from the goal of creating a compelling and exciting blog post, it would help if you also focused on increasing its chances of getting a top ranking in the search engines.
The best way to do that is by using the best keywords for the topic.
Figuring out the best keywords means performing keyword research. You should look for the search terms that get the most traffic and a fair amount of competition.
I have worked with countless peers who undermined this step and eventually failed to invite traffic to their blogs. Writing the best content with the wrong keywords makes no sense at all.
3 – Come Up with an Attention-Grabbing Headline
Most readers decide on reading a blog post based on the title. Simply put, your chances of getting noticed depends on how interesting (or intriguing) your headline is.
No matter how much effort you put on your content, if the headline is boring, dull, or flat, then most people will find their way out of your blog in a heartbeat.
Avoid outrageously long headlines. There is no exact rule as to the number of words; it only takes common sense to know that your title is overdone.
For starters, I recommend that you include a brief explanation of the subject and the advantage/benefits that come along with.
For instance, you create a blog post about retaining walls. The ideal headline would be: “How to Build a Retaining Wall To Prevent Erosion.”
4 – Hook Them In With The First Sentence
The first sentence of your blog bears the same weight and value to that of the headline.
Once you stimulate the curiosity of your readers through an attention-grabbing headline, you want them to remain interested in your blog by way of your introduction.
Give them a reason to keep reading. There are a handful of ways to come up with a kick-ass intro.
- Establish rapport. Write something that will make you relate to your audience. You can either share a relatable experience or empathize with your reader’s struggles.
- Hook them up. You can do this by starting your blog with an iconic quote or inspire curiosity. This sentence is usually short and catchy.
- State a problem. This one is probably the oldest trick in the book. Mention a common problem with your readers so that they expect a solution once they decide to read on.
5 – Focus on Readability (Not Google Algorithms)
This may be a no-brainer, but a lot of people just write for google algorithms – not people.
This is a mistake.
As I mentioned earlier, a successful blog that invites traffic should more than just exceptional content. If you want people to notice it, then you should improve its readability.
Do not just bold the title and subtitles. You should learn how to use tags effectively, group several points using paragraphs, take advantage of bullet points and check spelling and grammar.
Formatting is also extremely important. People always skim a blog post before they decide it’s worth reading. Nobody wants to work hard by reading difficult words, long sentences, and lengthy paragraphs.
These are little things that you probably do not give that much attention. But when meticulous readers find even the smallest of mistakes, they tend to believe that the blog post was not given that much of an effort.
6 – Use Eye-Catching Images
A blog without an image will not do you any good. Adding a photo means adding substance to the text.
No matter how incredible your content is, it will never impress a casual reader without visual enhancements.
Of course, be sure you use images which are relevant to your post and not just anything you grabbed online.
7 – Insert Links to Relevant Posts and Authority Sites
Adding some links within your blog posts will improve its usability and search engine ranking. Be sure to use interlinking and external linking to add variety.
Doing so will help you establish credibility and legitimacy to your content. Interlinking means linking the pages within your website or blog.
It is used to reduce the bounce rates and creates an impression that your site is navigable and user-friendly.
On the other hand, external linking means adding links from authority sites. When you mention stats, numbers, and quotes, you will want to include the link from the source.
Google loves it, and your audience will know that you have a factual basis for your arguments.
You probably realize by now that getting more traffic to your blog is possible, albeit with a combination of efforts.
Do not make the same mistake I made a while back when I thought I would be getting a ton of attention right away. Getting traffic to your blog takes time and a ton of patience, but you will be happy you did all this.

Joel Mark Harris graduated from the Langara School of Journalism in 2007. Joel is an award-winning journalist, novelist, screenwriter and producer.
He has ghostwritten numerous books in all types of genres including true life crime, business, memoir, and self help. With over 1,000 blog posts to his name, he has helped hundreds of business owners scale their business and increase their visibility. You can email him at